What is a Digital Marketing Agency? And Why You Need One
December 28, 20165 Essential Marketing Tips For Small Businesses
May 22, 2017Growing online shopping sales through your website
Online shopping has become a multibillion-dollar industry. Most of that happens on a company or commerce website, whether it be a website you build or a commerce hub like Amazon. In 2015, online sales of physical goods amounted to $294 billion US dollars and are projected to surpass $485 billion US dollars in 2021. Who wouldn’t want a piece of that pie
In the last year, 60 percent of consumers shopped online (which is why SEO is so important) and the number will keep on increasing. Although you may already have an established customer base, any business can have more customers, right? A website is a great way for small business owners to connect with consumers that are shopping locally for products and services.

Online Marketing
Content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing and generates 3x as many leads. Now you don’t have to pay a high price for newspaper Ads or T.V commercials. You can now market your business online using content marketing such as blogs, videos, and social media posts. Using social media allows your business to specifically target your niche market. You can narrow or broaden your audience as much as you would like according to the amount of money you want to spend on ads. Basically you choose how much you want to spend on marketing instead of having a fixed price such as commercials or newspaper Ads usually have.Ability to engage with your customers. Customer service
With social media being so easily accessible you can engage with your customers within seconds. Social media is a great platform to connect with your customers as they have questions, concerns, or feedback. This is a perfect addition to your website presence for building a customer base. You can respond to them right away using all of your online tools. You can also keep your customers up to date also while you share news about your products, services, or events.

The most important aspect of a business is its ability to be found. Without an established identity online customers won’t be able to find your business. The more difficult it is to find a business the more it loses credibility. Since more and more consumers are making their purchasing decisions online a website is a key component. A Bazzarvoice study found that 82 percent of shoppers conduct online research in store before they make a purchase. The more professional and visually appealing your website is the more credibility you gain from your potential customers. Think of your website as your online store where millions of users from all over the world have the accessibility to know your brand.It saves you money
By having a website you are advertising for your company 24/7. Which means you won’t have to re-print material and you are able to get information to your customers immediately. In addition, having print material makes it difficult for business owners to track was is actually working and what is not. By having your marketing done online you can track every part of your marketing campaign with actual data so you can make adjustments according to what is working and what’s not. Remember, creating a website should be a top priority for any business owner. Your website does not have to have thousands of pages just get it started.
Growing online shopping sales
Growing online shopping sales through your website
Online shopping has become a multibillion-dollar industry. Most of that happens on a company or commerce website, whether it be a website you build or a commerce hub like Amazon. In 2015, online sales of physical goods amounted to $294 billion US dollars and are projected to surpass $485 billion US dollars in 2021. Who wouldn’t want a piece of that pie
In the last year, 60 percent of consumers shopped online (which is why SEO is so important) and the number will keep on increasing. Although you may already have an established customer base, any business can have more customers, right? A website is a great way for small business owners to connect with consumers that are shopping locally for products and services.
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Online Marketing
Online Marketing
Content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing and generates 3x as many leads. Now you don’t have to pay a high price for newspaper Ads or T.V commercials. You can now market your business online using content marketing such as blogs, videos, and social media posts. Using social media allows your business to specifically target your niche market. You can narrow or broaden your audience as much as you would like according to the amount of money you want to spend on ads. Basically you choose how much you want to spend on marketing instead of having a fixed price such as commercials or newspaper Ads usually have.
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Ability to engage with your customers. Customer service
Ability to engage with your customers. Customer service
With social media being so easily accessible you can engage with your customers within seconds. Social media is a great platform to connect with your customers as they have questions, concerns, or feedback. This is a perfect addition to your website presence for building a customer base. You can respond to them right away using all of your online tools. You can also keep your customers up to date also while you share news about your products, services, or events.
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The most important aspect of a business is its ability to be found. Without an established identity online customers won’t be able to find your business. The more difficult it is to find a business the more it loses credibility. Since more and more consumers are making their purchasing decisions online a website is a key component. A Bazzarvoice study found that 82 percent of shoppers conduct online research in store before they make a purchase. The more professional and visually appealing your website is the more credibility you gain from your potential customers. Think of your website as your online store where millions of users from all over the world have the accessibility to know your brand.
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It saves you money
It saves you money
By having a website you are advertising for your company 24/7. Which means you won’t have to re-print material and you are able to get information to your customers immediately. In addition, having print material makes it difficult for business owners to track was is actually working and what is not. By having your marketing done online you can track every part of your marketing campaign with actual data so you can make adjustments according to what is working and what’s not.
Remember, creating a website should be a top priority for any business owner. Your website does not have to have thousands of pages just get it started.
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